My Projects

I am still working on this. Bear with me

This site
Wanting to learn more, I built this site. It isn't pretty, but it is mine.
Riot API-MIS5350
Being a fan of video games, I worked on a project using Python and one of its frameworks (Flask) to create a site that pulled data from my own API. The API included GET, POST, and DELETE functionality.
ICON Automation-ICON Health and Fitness
CRM Change-The Insurance Center
Over the course of 8 months, I worked with a team of 12 people across 2 locations to migrate management systems. This included onsite trainings, multiple classes and Q&A sessions. This was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Anyone who has transitioned sytems, knows what I am talking about.
FBAC Order Processing SystemMIS5300
In college we built a order processing system for a farmer. It included an admin portal where the admin could download reports, view orders, and see individual order history. It was build using MySQL and PHP.